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Wiki > Browser Plugins

These browser plugins will allow you to add torrents to your WebUI by simply clicking the torrent's download link or through the contextual right-click menu.

Remote Torrent Adder for Google Chrome and other Chromium based browsers

Remote Torrent Adder is a Chrome extension that allows you to add torrents with one click to rTorrent, Deluge's WebUI, or Transmission's WebUI.


To install Remote Torrent Adder:

  1. Click "Add to Chrome" on the Web Store page
  2. Click "Install"

Configuration for ruTorrent

To configure Remote Torrent Adder for ruTorrent:

  1. Click the wrench menu, hover over "Tools" and click "Extensions". Alternatively, point a new tab to chrome://extensions/
  2. Click "Remote Torrent Adder" and then "Extension options"
  3. Click "Add Server", enter any name (like server), and select "rTorrent XML-RPC". Click "Add".
  4. Change the host to your server's address: server.whatbox.ca
  5. Change the port to 443 and check the "SSL" box.
  6. Fill out your username user and password
  7. Change the "Relative path" to xmlrpc
  8. Optional: If you wish, you can set a custom label or directory for the extension to use. Create the directory you list before using it. You're done! Make sure you have your ruTorrent WebUI open and logged in when you want to use the extension. If the plugin detects a torrent download link on a page, it will show the plugin icon in your address bar. You can also right-click links and use the context menu to add the torrents.

Configuration for Deluge

To configure Remote Torrent Adder for Deluge's WebUI:

  1. Click the wrench menu, hover over "Tools" and click "Extensions". Alternatively, point a new tab to chrome://extensions/
  2. Click "Remote Torrent Adder" and then "Extension options"
  3. Click "Add Server", enter any name (like server), and select "Deluge WebUI". Click "Add".
  4. Change the host to your server's address: server.whatbox.ca
  5. Enter the port your Deluge WebUI is running on
    (The port can be found on your Slot Info page when Deluge WebUI is enabled.)
  6. Fill out your username user and password You're done! Make sure you have your Deluge WebUI open and logged in when you want to use the extension. If the plugin detects a torrent download link on a page, it will show the plugin icon in your address bar.

Configuration for Transmission

To configure Remote Torrent Adder for Transmission's WebUI:

  1. Click the wrench menu, hover over "Tools" and click "Extensions". Alternatively, point a new tab to chrome://extensions/
  2. Click "Remote Torrent Adder" and then "Extension options"
  3. Click "Add Server", enter any name (like server), and select "Transmission WebUI". Click "Add".
  4. Change the host to your server's address: server.whatbox.ca
  5. Enter the port your Transmission WebUI is running on {{TRANSMISSIONPORT}} (The port can be found on your Slot Info page when Transmission is enabled.)
  6. Fill out your username user and password You're done! Make sure you have your Transmission WebUI open and logged in when you want to use the extension. If the plugin detects a torrent download link on a page, it will show the plugin icon in your address bar. You can also right-click links and use the context menu to add the torrents.

"Torrent Control" for Firefox

Torrent Control allows you to send both torrent and magnet files to ruTorrent, Transmission, or Deluge. Much like "Remote Torrent Adder" for Chrome, this addon intercepts downloads and sends them to a selected server. You can also add any torrent or magnet via contextual menu.


  1. Browse to the plugin's page
  2. Click "Add to Firefox"
  3. Click "Add"

Configuration for ruTorrent

  1. Click the menu button and go to "Add-ons", or press Ctrl+Shift+A, or navigate to about:addons
  2. Click "Extensions" in the sidebar
  3. Click "Torrent Control" then "Preferences"
  4. Select "ruTorrent" in the "Bittorrent client" dropdown box
  5. Copy your rTorrent WebUI link from your Manage page and paste into the "Server address" box
  6. Fill in your username user and password
  7. Select "Login form" in the "Authentication type" dropdown box
  8. (Optional) If you would like added torrents to be paused, check "Add torrents as paused". You can modify other settings as needed.
  9. Press "Save"

Configuration for Deluge (WebUI required)

  1. Click the menu button and go to "Add-ons", or press Ctrl+Shift+A, or navigate to about:addons
  2. Click "Extensions" in the sidebar
  3. Click "Torrent Control" then "Preferences"
  4. Select "Deluge Web UI" in the "Bittorrent client" dropdown box
  5. Copy your Deluge WebUI link from your Manage page and paste into the "Server address" box
  6. Fill in your username user and password
  7. Optionally, modify other settings as needed.
  8. Press "Save"

Configuration for Transmission

  1. Click the menu button and go to "Add-ons", or press Ctrl+Shift+A, or navigate to about:addons
  2. Click "Extensions" in the sidebar
  3. Click "Torrent Control" then "Preferences"
  4. Select "Transmission" in the "Bittorrent client" dropdown box
  5. Copy your Transmission WebUI link from your Manage page and paste into the "Server address" box
  6. Fill in your username user and password
  7. Optionally, modify other settings as needed.
  8. Press "Save"

Configuration for qBittorrent

  1. Click the menu button and go to "Add-ons", or press Ctrl+Shift+A, or navigate to about:addons
  2. Click "Extensions" in the sidebar
  3. Click "Torrent Control" then "Preferences"
  4. Select "qBittorrent" in the "Bittorrent client" dropdown box
  5. Copy your qBittorrent WebUI link from your Manage page and paste into the "Server address" box
  6. Fill in your username user and password
  7. Optionally, modify other settings as needed.
  8. Press "Save"

"Torrent to Web" for Firefox

Torrent to Web allows you to send torrent files to ruTorrent or Transmission. Right-click on any torrent link and use "Send to torrent client" to send a torrent to your client.


  1. Browse to the plugin's page
  2. Click "Add to Firefox"
  3. Click "Add"

Configuration for ruTorrent

  1. Click the menu button and go to "Add-ons", or press Ctrl+Shift+A, or navigate to about:addons
  2. Click "Extensions" in the sidebar
  3. Click "Options" next to "Torrent to Web"
  4. Select "ruTorrent" in the "Client" dropdown box
  5. Enter https://server.whatbox.ca/webui/ in the "URL" box
  6. Fill in your username user and password
  7. (Optional) Check "Autostart torrents" to have torrents start automatically
  8. Press "Save"
  9. You're done! Make sure you have ruTorrent open and logged in when you want to use the addon. The addon will now allow you to right-click on a torrent download link and add it to ruTorrent.

Configuration for Transmission

  1. Click the menu button and go to "Add-ons", or press Ctrl+Shift+A, or navigate to about:addons
  2. Click "Extensions" in the sidebar
  3. Click "Options" next to "Torrent to Web"
  4. Select "Transmission" in the "Client" dropdown box
  5. Enter http://server.whatbox.ca::{{TRANSMISSIONPORT}}/ in the "URL" box. Change {{TRANSMISSIONPORT}} to your 5 digit Transmission port. The port can be found on your Slot Info page when Transmission is enabled.
  6. Fill in your username user and password
  7. (Optional) Check "Autostart torrents" to have torrents start automatically
  8. Press "Save"
  9. You're done! Make sure you have ruTorrent open and logged in when you want to use the addon. The addon will now allow you to right-click on a torrent download link and add it to ruTorrent.